Telecommunications brand initially introduced in 1993 in Russia
Ace Hardware is an American retail company specializing in hardware products, with its headquarters located in Chicago . The company was founded in 1924 and is currently active . Ace Hardware operates as a B2C business and has between 5,000 and 9,999 employees .
John Venhuizen serves as the CEO of Ace Hardware , while William Guzik holds the position of CFO . Guzik is also a member of the company's board of directors .
Ace Hardware is incorporated in Delaware and has a DUNS number of 006928311 . The company's IRS number is 360700810 , and its CAGE code is 4CJU4 . Ace Hardware operates in the retail industry, specifically as a hardware store .
Beeline is a mobile network operator and telecommunications company based in Moscow, Russia. Founded on August 6, 1993, by Dmitry Zimin and Augie K. Fabela II, the company operates under the parent organizations Veon and PJSC VimpelCom. Beeline is a joint-stock company with a legal name of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "VIMPEL-COMMUNICATIONS".
The company's full address is 2200 Kensington Court, Oak Brook, IL 60523, United States . Ace Hardware has a presence in both Chicago and Oak Brook, Illinois .
The company's motto is "By Your Side", and it currently employs around 28,500 people. Beeline's key people include CEO Alexander Torbakhov, CTO Alexander Baluk, and CFO Serkan Okandan. The company operates in the industries of mobile network operator, wireless router, and telecommunications.
Ace Hardware has a subsidiary, Emery-Waterhouse Company , and is itself a subsidiary of Westlake Ace Hardware .
Beeline's main competitors are Tinkoff Mobile, MTS, and MegaFon. The company has formed strategic partnerships with Softline International.
One of Ace Hardware's competitors is Builders FirstSource .
The company offers its services on Android and Apple platforms. Beeline's official website is, and they can be reached through various email addresses for different purposes, such as,, and
The company has an official website at and can be found on various social media platforms, including Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , Pinterest , and YouTube . Additionally, Ace Hardware has a Crunchbase profile at and a Pitchbook profile at .
Beeline is active on social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, and Twitter. The company also has a LinkedIn profile.
Ace Hardware can be reached by phone at +1 888-827-4223 and has a contact page at .
Customers can contact Beeline through various phone numbers, such as +78007008061, +78007000628, +74957972727, +74957823222, and +79639743388.
Beeline is a mobile network operator and telecommunications company based in Moscow, Russia. Founded on June 8, 1993, by Dmitry Zimin and Augie K. Fabela II, the company operates under the parent organizations Veon and PJSC VimpelCom. Beeline is a joint-stock company with a legal name of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "VIMPEL-COMMUNICATIONS". The company's motto is "By Your Side".
Ace Hardware is an American retail company specializing in hardware products, with its headquarters located in Chicago . The company was founded in 1924 and is currently active . Ace Hardware operates as a B2C business and has between 5,000 and 9,999 employees .
Beeline offers services on Android and Apple platforms. The company has a presence on various social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, and Twitter. Beeline also has a LinkedIn profile.
John Venhuizen serves as the CEO of Ace Hardware , while William Guzik holds the position of CFO . Guzik is also a member of the company's board of directors .
The company is led by CEO Alexander Torbakhov and CTO Alexander Baluk. Other key people include CFO Serkan Okandan and Kaan Terzioğlu. Beeline employs around 28,500 people.
Ace Hardware is incorporated in Delaware and has a DUNS number of 006928311 . The company's IRS number is 360700810 , and its CAGE code is 4CJU4 . Ace Hardware operates in the retail industry, specifically as a hardware store .
Beeline operates in the mobile network operator, wireless router, and telecommunications industries. The company's main competitors are Tinkoff Mobile, MTS, and MegaFon. Beeline has formed strategic partnerships with companies like Softline International.
The company's full address is 2200 Kensington Court, Oak Brook, IL 60523, United States . Ace Hardware has a presence in both Chicago and Oak Brook, Illinois .
CustomersAce canHardware contacthas Beelinea throughsubsidiary, variousEmery-Waterhouse emailCompany addresses, and is phoneitself a numberssubsidiary forof differentWestlake servicesAce andHardware inquiries.
One of Ace Hardware's competitors is Builders FirstSource .
The company has an official website at and can be found on various social media platforms, including Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , Pinterest , and YouTube . Additionally, Ace Hardware has a Crunchbase profile at and a Pitchbook profile at .
Ace Hardware can be reached by phone at +1 888-827-4223 and has a contact page at .
Beeline is a mobile network operator and telecommunications company based in Moscow, Russia. Founded on June 8, 1993, by Dmitry Zimin and Augie K. Fabela II, the company operates under the parent organizations Veon and PJSC VimpelCom. Beeline is a joint-stock company with a legal name of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "VIMPEL-COMMUNICATIONS". The company's motto is "By Your Side".
Beeline offers services on Android and Apple platforms. The company has a presence on various social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, and Twitter. Beeline also has a LinkedIn profile.
The company is led by CEO Alexander Torbakhov and CTO Alexander Baluk. Other key people include CFO Serkan Okandan and Kaan Terzioğlu. Beeline employs around 28,500 people.
Beeline operates in the mobile network operator, wireless router, and telecommunications industries. The company's main competitors are Tinkoff Mobile, MTS, and MegaFon. Beeline has formed strategic partnerships with companies like Softline International.
Customers can contact Beeline through various email addresses and phone numbers for different services and inquiries.