Biohybrid robotics combines engineered artificial structures and living bio-systems.
Biobots that could be injected into a patient’s bloodstream and destroy a blood clot or cancer would require sensing, computation and actuation. Living cells have an advantage over synthetic microswimmers in their ability to detect and respond to environmental stimuli without additional components. Bacteria and algae can be steered using their attraction to light, which is not possible in deep tissues of the body. Magnetic control is one possibility for medical applications since magnetic fieldsmagnetic fields can safely penetrate the body. Magnetotactic bacteria naturally have magnetic nanocrystals and other living cells could be artificially magnetized if embedded with iron oxide nanoparticles or by attaching them to magnetic substrates. Chemicals can also control cell behavior. Biohybrid devices could respond to biochemical signals released from tumor cells. Thermotaxis and aerotaxis are also possible ways to steer microorganism-based biohybrid robots.
Beating cells from a rat (ventricular cardiomyocytes) were first placed on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin films in 2007 by WhitesidesWhitesides and ParkerParker. This work defined a biohybrid soft robotic device as a hybrid device which has a soft body and where the actuation is performed by a living biological part. Soft biohybrid robots go beyond replication of nature, but seek to fulfill tasks that neither nature nor physical robots can achieve.
Materials taxonomy key from AppiahAppiah et al. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1807747
The following are examples of biohybrid soft robots described by the taxonomy scheme. The walker is a biobot actuated by a skeletal muscle ring modified for optogenetic control with light. The pump is a bio-micropump on a chip powered by earthworm muscle.
Figure from Appiah et al. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1807747
Materials taxonomy key from Appiah et al. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1807747
September 18, 2019
Su Ryon Shin and Ali Khademhosseini are corresponding authors
Harvard Medical School, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Konkuk University, Seoul
An autonomous structure-controlled self-actuating ray powered by cardiomyocytes using design and structuring principles.
March 30, 2018
Su Ryon Shin and Ali Khademhosseini are corresponding authors
Harvard Medical School, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Konkuk University, Seoul
An autonomous structure-controlled self-actuating ray powered by cardiomyocytes using design and structuring principles.
September 18, 2019
Su Ryon Shin and Ali Khademhosseini are corresponding authors
Harvard Medical School, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Konkuk University, Seoul
An autonomous structure-controlled self-actuating ray powered by cardiomyocytes using design and structuring principles.
June 28, 2017
Gaszton Vizsnyiczai, Giacomo Frangipane, Claudio Maggi, Filippo Saglimbeni, Silvio Bianchi & Roberto Di Leonardo
NANOTEC-CNR, Institute of Nanotechnology, Soft and Living Matter Laboratory, Rome
"The synthetic components consist of 3D interconnected structures having a rotating unit that can capture individual bacteria into an array of microchambers so that cells contribute maximally to the applied torque. Bacterial cells are smooth swimmers expressing a light-driven proton pump that allows to optically control their swimming speed."
July 8, 2016
Park, Sung-Jin et al. Corresponding author Kevin Kit Parker.
Harvard University, Sogang University, Stanford University
Swimming robot mimics a ray fish (1/10 scale version) powered by cardiomyocytes genetically engineered to respond to light cues. The robot was built with microfabricated gold skeleton and rubber body.
July 15, 2014
Caroline Cvetkovic, Ritu Raman, Vincent Chan, Brian J. Williams, Madeline Tolish, Piyush Bajaj, Mahmut Selman Sakar, H. Harry Asada, M. Taher A. Saif, and Rashid Bashir
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MIT
July 11, 2012
Yoshitake Akiyama,Takayuki Hoshino,Kikuo Iwabuchi,Keisuke Morishima
Osaka University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
September 2007
Yo Tanaka, Kae Sato, Tatsuya Shimizu, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okanobd and Takehiko Kitamori
The University of Tokyo, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)
February 2007
Adam W. Feinberg, Alex Feigel, Sergey S. Shevkoplyas, Sean Sheehy, George M. Whitesides*, Kevin Kit Parker*
Harvard University
Cell sheet engineering using rat cardiomyocytes on polydimethylsiloxane thin films was used to build centimeter-scale biohybrid constructs that perform functions as diverse as gripping, pumping, walking, and swimming with fine spatial and temporal control.
Proposed applications for biohybrid actuators include miniaturized therapeutic robots and biohybrid medical devices, in vitro muscle models for drug testing and platforms for investigating muscle contractionsmuscle contractions. In the longer term biohybrid actuators have applications in the interaction of soft robotic artifacts with humans, microscale devices that perform medical procedures, biobased surveillance systems, manufacturing systems that self-assemble and self-repair and environmental monitoring with swarm biorobots.
Biobots that could be injected into a patient’s bloodstream and destroy a blood clot or cancer would require sensing, computation and actuation. Living cells have an advantage over synthetic microswimmers in their ability to detect and respond to environmental stimuli without additional components. Bacteria and algae can be steered using their attraction to light, which is not possible in deep tissues of the body. Magnetic control is one possibility for medical applications since magnetic fieldsmagnetic fields can safely penetrate the body. Magnetotactic bacteria naturally have magnetic nanocrystals and other living cells could be artificially magnetized if embedded with iron oxide nanoparticles or by attaching them to magnetic substrates. Chemicals can also control cell behavior. Biohybrid devices could respond to biochemical signals released from tumor cells. Thermotaxis and aerotaxis are also possible ways to steer microorganism-based biohybrid robots.
Beating cells from a rat (ventricular cardiomyocytes) were first placed on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin films in 2007 by WhitesidesWhitesides and Parker. This work defined a biohybrid soft robotic device as a hybrid device which has a soft body and where the actuation is performed by a living biological part. Soft biohybrid robots go beyond replication of nature, but seek to fulfill tasks that neither nature nor physical robots can achieve.
Beating cells from a rat (ventricular cardiomyocytes) were first placed on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin films in 2007 by Whitesides and ParkerParker. This work defined a biohybrid soft robotic device as a hybrid device which has a soft body and where the actuation is performed by a living biological part. Soft biohybrid robots go beyond replication of nature, but seek to fulfill tasks that neither nature nor physical robots can achieve.
Proposed applications for biohybrid actuators include miniaturized therapeutic robots and biohybrid medical devices, in vitro muscle models for drug testing and platforms for investigating muscle contractions. In the longer term biohybrid actuators have applications in the interaction of soft roboticsoft robotic artifacts with humans, microscale devices that perform medical procedures, biobased surveillance systems, manufacturing systems that self-assemble and self-repair and environmental monitoring with swarm biorobots.
Professors Anne Staubitz and Christine Selhuber-Unkel at University of Bremen and University of KielKiel proposed a taxonomic scheme for the concept of “living materials” used in biohybrid soft robotics. Their taxonomy builds on the taxonomy scheme put forth by Webster-Wood.
Beating cells from a rat (ventricular cardiomyocytes) were first placed on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) thin films in 2007 by Whitesides and Parker. This work defined a biohybrid soft robotic device as a hybrid device which has a soft body and where the actuation is performed by a living biological part. Soft biohybrid robots go beyond replication of nature, but seek to fulfill tasks that neither nature nor physical robots can achieve.
Professors Anne Staubitz and Christine Selhuber-Unkel at University of Bremen and University of Kiel proposed a taxonomic scheme for the concept of “living materials” used in biohybrid soft robotics. Their taxonomy builds on the taxonomy scheme put forth by Webster-Wood.
Proposed applications for biohybrid actuators include miniaturized therapeutic robots and biohybrid medical devices, in vitro muscle models for drug testing and platforms for investigating muscle contractions. In the longer term biohybrid actuators have applications in the interaction of soft robotic artifacts with humans, microscale devices that perform medical procedures, biobased surveillance systems, manufacturing systems that self-assemble and self-repair and environmental monitoring with swarm biorobots.
Biobots that could be injected into a patient’s bloodstream and destroy a blood clot or cancer would require sensing, computation and actuation. Living cells have an advantage over synthetic microswimmers in their ability to detect and respond to environmental stimuli without additional components. Bacteria and algae can be steered using their attraction to light, which is not possible in deep tissues of the body. Magnetic control is one possibility for medical applications since magnetic fields can safely penetrate the body. Magnetotactic bacteria naturally have magnetic nanocrystals and other living cells could be artificially magnetized if embedded with iron oxide nanoparticles or by attaching them to magnetic substrates. Chemicals can also control cell behavior. Biohybrid devices could respond to biochemical signals released from tumor cells. Thermotaxis and aerotaxis are also possible ways to steer microorganism-based biohybrid robots.
Researchers at Polytechnique Montréal demonstrated magnetic guiding of a magnetotactic bacteria bound to drug-containing nanoliposomes. These Magentococcus marinus bacteria also use aerotaxis, to migrate towards low oxygen in their natural environment. Since tumors are also low oxygen environments, the researchers demonstrated in mice that this aerotaxis can be exploited for delivering drugs to tumors.
Researchers at University of Illinois developed soft robotic devices driven by neuromuscular tissue that triggers when stimulated by light using optogenetics, which was published in 2019 in PNAS. In 2014, the team developed self-propelled biohybrid swimming and walking biobots that uses cardiac musclecardiac muscle cells from rats, which beat on their own, as motors. Their swimming biobots were modeled after sperm, with a single tail. In the 2019 version, optogenetic neuron cells, derived from mouse stem cells, were added to their device with two tails. The biobots self assemble since neurons advanced towards the muscle and formed neuromuscular junctions. The resulting neuromuscular tissue worked with their synthetic biobot skeletons. Muscle activity is controlled by neuron activity, which is controlled by exposure to light using optogenetics.
Researchers at University of IllinoisIllinois developed soft robotic devices driven by neuromuscular tissue that triggers when stimulated by light using optogenetics, which was published in 2019 in PNAS. In 2014, the team developed self-propelled biohybrid swimming and walking biobots that uses cardiac muscle cells from rats, which beat on their own, as motors. Their swimming biobots were modeled after sperm, with a single tail. In the 2019 version, optogenetic neuron cells, derived from mouse stem cells, were added to their device with two tails. The biobots self assemble since neurons advanced towards the muscle and formed neuromuscular junctions. The resulting neuromuscular tissue worked with their synthetic biobot skeletons. Muscle activity is controlled by neuron activity, which is controlled by exposure to light using optogenetics.