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Biorealize is a biotechnology company creating custom micro-organisms in their own Microbial Design Studio. Biorealize was founded in 2015 by Orkan Telhan, Michael Hogan, and Karen Hogan. Their Microbial Design Studio is made to be a next generation bioprototyping system that allows users to design, test, iterate, and reproduce biological results. The Microbial Design Studio uses synthetic biology and other biotechnologies to create novel probiotics, fermentation products, food, and flavors.
On April 17, 2017 Biorealize unveiled a project with PUMA and MIT Design Lab to create next generation wearable clothing that enhances performance by incorporating living organisms. The project showcases four experiments done using Biorealize's Microbial Design Studio: Deep Learning Insoles, Breathing Shoe, Carbon Eaters, and Adaptive Packaging.