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Brno University of Technology (BUT) is a public university located in Brno, Czech Republic. Founded in 1899[(73589475)](#Founded Date), it was previously known as Imperial Czech Technical University of Franz Joseph[(73589533)](#Previous Name). It is an educational institution specializing in education[(73385401)](#Is a) and higher education. The university's motto is "Sapere aude".
BUT is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic and the European Federation of National Associations of Engineers. The university is also affiliated with the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research[(77198811)](#Affiliated With) and the European University Association[(77198812)](#Affiliated With).
Brno University of Technology has been assigned one patent[(73886887)](#Patents Assigned (Count)). The campus is situated at Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 Brno, Czech Republic[(73589515)](#Full Address). You can contact the university at +420541145208[(81563113)](#Phone Number) or[(73589517)](#Email Address). For additional contact information, visit their official contact page at[(73589534)](#Contact Page URL).
BUT maintains an online presence with accounts on Facebook[(73589486)](#Facebook URL), Twitter[(73589487)](#Twitter URL), YouTube[(77198808)](#YouTube Channel), Instagram[(73589499)](#Instagram URL), and LinkedIn[(73589512)](#LinkedIn URL). The university's official websites are[(93766844)](#Official Website) and[(93766845)](#Official Website). But is also listed on Crunchbase under the URL[(81702558)](#Crunchbase URL).