Bullish invests in early-stage consumer brands.
Bullish is a New York City based venture capital firm and marketing agency. They seek early-stage investments in consumer brands. As a marketing agency, they work portfolio and other brands to help market growth.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and Birchbox.
They have exited their investments in Birchbox, Darby Smart, Stella Service, True Facet, Harry's, Grove and Peloton.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNowNomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and Birchbox.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, CasperCasper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and Birchbox.
They have exited their investments in Birchbox, Darby SmartDarby Smart, Stella Service, True Facet, Harry's, Grove and Peloton.
They have exited their investments in Birchbox, Darby Smart, Stella Service, True Facet, Harry's, Grove and PelotonPeloton.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and BirchboxBirchbox.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby ParkerWarby Parker, and Birchbox.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacetTrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and Birchbox.
Bullish is a New York CityNew York City based venture capital firm and marketing agency. They seek early-stage investments in consumer brands. As a marketing agency, they work portfolio and other brands to help market growth.
Bullish is a New York City based venture capital firm and marketing agency. They seek early-stage investments in consumer brands. As a marketing agency, they work portfolio and other brands to help market growth.
Bullish has made investments in Sunday, CUUP, Spark Grills, Clare, Honeylove, TrueFacet, Grove, Hu Kitchen, NomNomNow, Casper, Harry's, Warby Parker, and Birchbox.
They have exited their investments in Birchbox, Darby Smart, Stella Service, True Facet, Harry's, Grove and Peloton.
Bullish invests in early-stage consumer brands.
Bullish invests in early-stage consumer brands.
Bullish invests in early-stage consumer brands.