Other attributes
Sacred Burma (SBI, Burmese cat) is a breed of semi—long-haired cats of color-point color, which, according to one of the legends, originates from Burma. It should not be confused with the Burmese cat, which is a separate breed of shorthair cats. The Burmese cat is recognizable due to its unusual color, which, according to the name of the breed, was called the Burmese color. Cats with this color are characterized by the presence of white "gloves" with a point color of long hair. The breed is also known as the "Sacred Burmese Cat" (although in the English pronunciation of the country's name — "Sacred Burma"). The breed is recognized by all felinological organizations of the world.
The legend of the origin of the Burmese color

In Burma, there are several legends telling about the appearance of an unusual color in local cats. The most common of these legends tells that originally one of the Buddhist temples was guarded by white long-haired cats with yellow eyes. There was a golden statue of a goddess with sapphire-blue eyes in the temple. The oldest monk of the temple, whose name was Moon Ha, had a beautiful cat named Singh. Once the temple was attacked by robbers who intended to steal the golden statue of the goddess. While protecting the goddess, Moon Ha was mortally wounded and died of wounds at the feet of the goddess. It seemed that the defenders of the temple were defeated. But suddenly a strange cry stopped everyone around. Singh stood on his master's head, and a magical change happened to him. His fur turned golden, his eyes acquired the sky-blue color of the goddess's eyes, and the tips of his paws, immersed in the monk's white hair, became white like his holy gray hair. Obeying the gaze of Sinha's sapphire eyes, the monks found the strength and drove the robbers away. The faithful cat remained motionless on the master's head for seven days, after which he died, taking Moon Ha's soul to heaven. After a while, all the cats in the temple also got the same color.
Origin of the breed
The Burmese cat originated from the crossing of Siamese and Persian cats and has the hair of "Persians" and the end color of "Siamese". According to a widespread tradition, the Burmese breed first appeared in Europe around 1919, when one of the Vanderbilts, a famous family of American billionaires, during his cruise to the Eastern countries acquired a pair of kittens, for which he gave a huge fortune. The male did not survive the journey, and the female gave birth to offspring in Nice, France. According to other sources, the Burmese breed is the result of a breeding project of French breeders. In 1925, the breed "Sacred Burma" was registered in the French Cat Registry. For the first time, Sacred Burma was presented at a cat show in 1926. In 1966, the breed was recognized in the UK, and in 1967 in the USA.

Oval-shaped eyes of pure intense blue, or better - blue, color. Semi-long coat of one of the point colors with white paws. The presence of white "gloves" and "socks" is explained by the manifestation of the recessive gl gene. The pads of the paws are usually pink, but sometimes with spots in the color of the points.
They are very calm, obedient and gentle cats, with good manners. They are very smart and sociable. They give their affection and love to the owner. They greet guests with great curiosity and absolutely without fear. Unlike some other more active breeds, cats of this breed often like to sit on their knees and on their hands. Despite moderate activity, Burmese cats are very lively and playful. Burma can be quiet and calm when you are busy, but active and playful when you have the opportunity to play with her. Sacred Burma has a surprisingly balanced temperament, it is a kind of "golden mean" between temperamental Siamese and phlegmatic Persians. Despite their curiosity and love of games at any age, they are quite silent except for periods of sexual hunting. If the Burmese is in the mood to "talk", you will hear his melodious, as if cooing voice.
Sacred Burmese are very social animals: they are strongly attached to their owners and, as a rule, get along well with children, especially if a Burmese kitten has grown up with another baby "from the cradle". Be prepared for the fact that Sacred Burma will want to be aware of everything that is happening, actively taking part in household chores, and will periodically demand well-deserved attention to her person. However, this exactingness is unobtrusive, as a rule. Burma gets along well with other animals, excluding noisy and fussy representatives of some dog breeds, such as terriers, poodles, etc.
The Burmese cat treats other animals well. She is affectionate with the kids and friends of the family, makes contact. If a quarrel suddenly occurs in the house, then the pet will try in every possible way to defuse the situation.

Color of cats
By the end of the last century, more than 20 varieties of color were already known: with dark brown markings (seal point), chocolate (chocolate point), blue (blue point), lilac (lilac point) and red (red and cream point) markings, as well as their tabby and torti variations. In 2016, two new ones were added - silver (silver point) and smoke (smoky point). All colors are characterized by white "socks".