A SBIR Phase II contract was awarded to CFD Research Corporation in June, 2023 for $999,993.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Defense and United States Air Force.
To achieve realistic imagery for hardware-in-the-loop testing, infrared scene projectors (IRSPs) must be capable of displaying scenes with fast refresh rates, high resolution, and radiometrically accurate output to properly test IR sensors. During the Phase II effort, CFD Research, along with our partners, the University of Chicago and Optical Sciences Corporation, will develop a novel IRSP system based on quantum dot MWIR emitters. Though materials engineering, we will continue to improve the MWIR emission properties of QD materials synthesized in Phase I and create high quality QD films. We will then couple the QD screen to an optical excitation system for radiometric testing. Colloidal QDs are synthesized in solution, making them compatible with a number of straightforward, low-cost deposition methods that allow them to be cast over large areas. Further, as shown in the Phase I effort, by decoupling the IR emitter material from the optical excitation source, the thermal and photonic properties can be engineered beyond what is possible for resistive arrays or IR-LEDs. This can dramatically improve the radiometric, spatial, and temporal performance of ISRP systems used by the Air Force and throughout the DoD.