SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The goal of the proposed effort is to develop a framework for configurable reduced-order modeling (ROM) for the development of novel aeroservoelastic (ASE) sensing and control approaches within a broad flight parameter space. Parametric ROM techniques developed by the proposing team present a considerable opportunity to extract dominant aerodynamic, structural dynamics, and control surface effects in a compact form that can be used to evaluate and optimize controllers for suppression of flutter and gust loads. The Phase I effort focused on development of the data generation, ROM training, and control synthesis workflow. The Phase I capability was demonstrated using ASE problems of interest to NASA (e.g., suppression of gust response and flutter). The Phase II efforts will focus on: (1) refinement of the aeroelastic simulation process for improved training and verification; (2) addition of late-breaking ROM techniques for improved characterization of the aeroelastic system; (3) implementation of more complex control schemes, sensor models, and actuator models to assess whether ROMs can be used for case studies with increased realism; and (4) extensive software validation and demonstration for ASE and flight control design of realistic aircraft of interest to NASA. The capabilities will be provided as a modular software environment for integration into NASA workflow for technology transition.