SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization of hypersonic aircraft require automated adaptive mesh generation across disparate length scales. In the current state-of-the-art, geometry-aware adaptive meshing techniques are still lacking and the such geometric discrepancy can lead to significant errors in the prediction of critical physics, such as shock-boundary layer interaction and fatigue/damage in structures. To address this and improve upon the state-of-the-art, we propose to develop an innovative high-order (curved) and isogeometric common mesh generation toolkit to accelerate aircraft development. Phase I efforts will focus on a) demonstration of high-order mesh generation starting from an existing mesh composed of linear elements; b) the development of a geometry kernel to extract NURBS parameters from CAD geometry and to extract physics properties such as shocks, vorticity, and turbulence features from a fluid solver and stresses from a structural solver; c) development of an Application Programming Interface to allow the geometry kernel to interoperate with a simulation framework for a multidisciplinary analysis along with the local-to-global coupling for a representative aircraft structural component subjected to a given operational profile; d) demonstration of the autonomous capability for meshing complex CAD models including adaptive mesh refinement for capturing critical features; and e) development of a virtual reality Graphical User Interface. Phase II will further develop, demonstrate, and validate the prototype design. The source code will be provided for incorporation into larger DoD-developed tools and frameworks.