Is a
SBIR/STTR Award attributes
SBIR/STTR Award Recipient
Government Agency
Government Branch
Award Type
Contract Number (US Government)
Award Phase
Phase I0
Award Amount (USD)
Date Awarded
November 3, 2022
0End Date
February 4, 2023
The Rapid, Semi-rigid, Cross-functional Ultralight (RSCU) is a casualty evacuation drag litter designed to minimize the loss of combat effectiveness while evacuating a wounded teammate. The RSCU rolls up into a small form factor, and under load and tension, it becomes semi-rigid due to the internal radial strap design, immobilizing casualties. Both the Base & Max versions weigh less than 5 pounds, and do not require assembly. It is also designed for on-the spot improvisation and modularity; RSCU allows extraction using the entire kit or its components (litter body and drag straps).
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