SBIR/STTR Award attributes
High energy physics, modern medicine, advanced materials, and fusion energy research are continually demanding higher magnetic fields. Applications such as the future muon collider, axion detection in dark matter studies and neutron scattering for materials science research are examples of programs driving the effort to generate fields in excess of 25 Tesla, which can only be achieved using new High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) materials. Great progress has been made recently in HTS wire performance, drawing new attention to the technical challenges of making very high field magnets using the wire. In this program Cryomagnetics, in partnership with the U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab), is investigating, developing, and will commercialize Ultra High Field ( = 25 T), compact, hybrid-superconducting magnets using Rare-Earth Barium Copper Oxide (REBCO) superconducting wire. In Phase I the conceptual design of a 30 Tesla solenoid magnet was developed using the recently successful, record-breaking 32 Tesla REBCO-based magnet made by MagLab as a starting point. New coil fabrication techniques were studied and a suitable magnet power supply with quench management system was designed. In Phase II the work will be extended to the final design and construction of a working UHF magnet. Challenges in energizing, stabilizing, and protecting the magnet from damage in the face of intense magnetic forces and high stored energy will be overcome using careful and comprehensive analysis, novel engineering design, and a modular, scalable manufacturing approach. The result of the program will be a set of design and manufacturing tools that enable very high field magnets of various types to be designed and built at a competitive cost, and a user-friendly control system suitable for commercialization. Cryomagnetics is a leading supplier of high field superconducting magnets worldwide for physics, medical and materials research applications. The technology developed in this program will be used in advanced research magnet systems, accelerators and medical treatment devices.