A SBIR Phase I contract was awarded to Cryomagnetics, Inc. in February, 2023 for $128,246.0 USD from the U.S. Department of Energy.
C55-06a-270224-AbstractDemand for increased brightness of synchrotron light sources has been driven by advances in novel experimental techniques studying nanomaterials, micro- and nanocrystals, and interactions of atomic and molecular structures. Strong demand has pushed technologies of low emittance electron sources, novel concepts in electron storage rings, free electron lasers (FELs) and undulators – the primary source of high-performance X-rays used at these facilities. In this program an advanced cryostat will be developed capable of testing next-generation SuperConducting Undulator (SCU) magnets. The cryostat will allow rapid testing of novel prototype SCUs with planar, helical, and universal designs, including precision magnetic field mapping critical to the devices. This advanced cryogenic test platform will have the versatility needed for current and future magnets being developed for the world’s most demanding research facilities. Phase I of the program will involve design of the cryostat with testing of critical components needed. In Phase II the cryostat will be constructed, and performance tested, making it ready for deployment at a research laboratory. Additional systems will then be made commercially available to researchers worldwide. Cryomagnetics is a leading supplier of high field superconducting magnets and cryogenic systems for high energy physics, medical applications, and materials research worldwide.