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Calamari Network is the experimental version of Manta Network and is the space in which new features are first released and tested. It was developed to specifically serve the Kusama decentralized finance world and utilizes zkSNARKs for on-chain privacy when there are transactions and swaps with cryptocurrencies.
Calamari Network states it is developing two products on its platform, the first of which is MariPay, a token-agnostic private payment service. It will enable the private transfer of Kusama and other major cryptocurrencies supported on Kusama. Its other product is MariSwap, a private automated market maker-based decentralized exchange. This product will allow users to swap between parachain assets while ensuring privacy.
The Calamari token is $KMA and was launched in 2021. It is a utility token that can be used as a rebate and redeem mechanism for when the two aforementioned products are released. Both MariPay and MariSwap will have usage fees, and $KMA can be used to pay those. There are also governance functions attached to the possession of $KMA tokens.