American actress and model
She was born May 9, 1946 in Beverly Hills, California, USA to Edgar Bergen, a famous actor and ventriloquist, Oscar winner of 1937, and Frances Wescot, a fashion model.
She studied linguistics and linguistics at colleges and universities in Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., and continued her studies in Switzerland. Fluent in French and Italian. Returning to the U.S. worked as a model and mannequin. Soon Candice Bergen began to receive offers from filmmakers.
In the film since 1966 - the film "Band.
Made a name for herself in movies of the '60s and early '70s in the roles of emancipated, relaxed intellectuals, full of irony in relation to the external environment. Her roles in "The Day the Fish Came Up" (1966), Claude Lelusha's drama "Living to Live" (1967, France), and the motion pictures "Choosing Your Way" (1970) and "The Domino Principle" (1977) brought success.
Huge popularity Bergen brought participation in the TV series "Murphy Brown", the actress has received three "Golden Globes" and five awards "Emmy".
Success and critical acclaim earned Candice Bergen later work in big movies - "Start Over" (1979, nominated for the "Oscar"), "Gandhi" (1982, UK) and "Miss Congeniality" (2000), where the actress satirically portrayed Kathy, a criminal - the head of the competition.
Bergen is also widely known as a photo reporter and journalist.
American actress and model