American actress and singer
She is an American actress and singer.
She was born April 18, 1992 in Chicago (Illinois, USA) in the family of a physician and an investment banker. The girl's father - Chinese, her mother - American.
At the age of 15 she moved to China. She made her debut as a singer with the single "Uh Oh" (2011), which was released in two versions - in Chinese and English. In 2011 she starred in the music video Tonight by the popular South Korean band BIGBANG.
Upon her return to the United States, she auditioned for the role of Hayley in the TV series Nashville (2012-2018).
She is best known as the performer of the role of superheroine Daisy Johnson (Shiver) in the TV series Agents of S.I.T. (2013 - 2019).
American actress and singer