Company attributes
Cryptocurrency attributes
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Clear Water is not your standard cryptocurrency. Our goals are long-term. When we accomplish one, we set another. We are well-educated, business professionals from around the United States with a well-developed plan: Launch and maintain a stable cryptocurrency Launch our environmentally friendly water firm internationally Donate to charities whose goals are to clean up our oceans or provide clean drinking water where there isn't any Educate the masses on what it takes to save tomorrow.
About Clear Water
Clear Water is not your standard cryptocurrency. Our goals are long-term. When we accomplish one, we set another. We are well-educated, business professionals from around the United States with a well-developed plan.
Becoming a widely-accepted currency is an important aim. However, our main goal is to provide clean, international drinking water in some of the world's most recyclable, newly-designed and individually sized vessels.
We fully expect the value of our cryptocurrency to soar as our business plans unfold. We expect more price stability, as many investors will relate Clear Water to a stock with the potential for cryptocurrency-like gains. Therefore, we expect many long-term holders.
Donations will be distributed to our charity partners on a well-timed basis.
Members of the board will provide cryptocurrency and business updates on our social media platforms and via press release.
Our Mission
Launch and maintain a stable cryptocurrency
Launch environmentally friendly water firm internationally
Donate to charities whose goals are to clean up our oceans or provide clean drinking water
Educate the masses on what it takes to save tomorrow.
Our Roadmap is Simple
Despite being a priority, we are not basing our long-term goals on social media followers, holder counts or listing status in the same way that many other cryptocurrencies do. Our road map heavily consists of the development of Clear Water's business firm, which we believe will have a major impact on our associated cryptocurrency's trading value.
Q1 2022
Website launch
Pankcake Swap launch
Social media marketing campaign
Influencer support marketing
Coin Market Cap & Coin Gecko listings
Charity partnership development
Executive company-to-contractor meetings
Final determination of potential canned water supplier candidates, manufacturing facilities, and distribution contractors
Q2 2022
Exchange listings
First donation towards in-ground water wells to areas in need
Large influencer support marketing
Air drop giveaway
Final selection of canned water supplier, manufacturing facility, and distributor
Water firm progresses from the planning phase to the canned water development phase.
Q3 2022
First donation to an ocean clean-up charity organization
Celebrity support marketing
Pre-planned website overhaul
Large exchange listings
Television commercial development
Discussions with the Discovery channel regarding potential Clear Water commercial on their network
Canned water manufacturing phase
Negotiation of product sale contracts
Q4 2022
First scholarship donated to a high school senior who has been accepted into a marine biology program at a qualifying college
Currency adoption campaign
Television ad campaign
Canned water distribution and sale phase.
Making the World a Better Place
Blockchain technology has the potential to alter how natural resources are used and valued. Clear Water utilizes this technology to provide increased value to the business initiative and vice versa. Clear Water's cryptocurrency sector also aims to be utilized as a widely-accepted currency in the near future. Our token supply is less than that of many other new cryptocurrencies as a way to provide greater value for our investors.
Our crptocurrency sector provides funding for charity donations. Clear Water will donate to specific charities that aim to clean up our oceans. Clear Water will also donate money for in-ground wells to provide clean drinking water to areas in need internationally. Once a year, we will also donate at least one scholarship to a high school senior who has been accepted into a qualifying college-level marine biology program.
Amplify your investment dollars, just by holding.
We provide several rewards opportunities to token holders, including the first cryptocurrency to pay dividends from profits on product sales - which will be on store shelves this year.
Provide incentives to holders, encouraging them to hold their tokens long-term. Reflections add 2% tax to the tokenomics package, discouraging whales from selling their tokens.
Reflections also provide passive income, therefore encouraging investment and long-term holding.
Clear Water is the first cryptocurrency that will have a physical presence on store shelves, and we are excited to offer another crypto first – paying dividends to token holders.
When our aluminum bottled water products hit shelves later this year, holders will receive 5% dividends from sales profits.
Stakingmax APY when staking for 12-mos10
By the second week of May, investors will have the ability to stake their tokens – up to 50M per wallet. There is no deposit fee, and no withdrawal fee when fully vested.
There will be 3, 6, 9, and 12 month staking periods at 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% APY, respectively.
How to Buy
You can already swap your Binance Coins for Clear Water on PankcakeSwap! Simply connect your wallet to PancakeSwap, search for the Clear Water contract address, and start swapping!
See also: Buying from Coinbase
Contract address: 0x09Faf80c7Df27d0Fb8A717324963cB871f6814f7