Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
The centralized cryptocurrency exchange Coin-Galaxy is a convenient resource for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Simple functionality and intuitive interface of the exchange allows users of any level of training to make profitable transactions. It is also important to protect user's personal data, as well as a high level of security.
One of our global goals is to introduce cryptocurrency into the daily life of every person, regardless of their place of residence and social status.
It is no secret that the growth of the cryptocurrency industry trend provokes society to create cryptocurrency exchanges. Despite the appearance of many exchanges, providing platforms in the service sector for the exchange of digital assets is one of the most popular and promising areas in the development of the crypto industry.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are opening up new opportunities. Each person can have, as the main or additional income received from trading on the exchange. The absence of the need to have a license, certificate or higher special education makes trading on the exchange attractive for anyone. Small initial investments make trading on the exchange accessible to people with any income level.
The exchange's revenue consists mainly of commissions from trading transactions. The average Commission rate on cryptocurrency exchanges is about 0.1%, which makes the exchange very attractive and profitable for their owners as well.
The founders of the Coin-Galaxy cryptocurrency exchange will take all possible measures to get the exchange to the top of the exchanges by daily volumes within three years.
This activity will bring serious income to the exchange's owners.
Today we offer you an unprecedented opportunity to become co-owners of the Soip-Galaxy exchange, as well as the right to develop and profit from the exchange's income together with us!
Possession of exchange tokens (CGC) gives their owners the right to receive monthly dividends from the exchange's activities, which will be distributed among the offices in proportion to the number of tokens. Distribution will be subject to 50% of the total revenue of the exchange. 25% of the exchange's total revenue will be used to buy tokens from the exchange and then burn them. In addition, the exchange tokens will be used as a means of payment for the listing of a new coin, as well as optionally used to pay commission for trading transactions by exchange users.