Is a
Cryptocurrency attributes
Consensus Mechanism
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Ticker Symbol
Genesis Block Date
August 22, 2017
Block Explorer URL
Announcement URL
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Cryptocurrency Symbol
Medium URL
ColossusCoinXT (COLX) is a privacy cryptocurrency with a focus on energy efficiency using the Zerocoin protocol and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. The CollossusCoinXT cryptocurrency was officially released on August 22, 2017 as a decentralized, open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on the PIVX source code with fixed Proof-of-Stake (PoS) rewards.
CollosusCoinXT (COLX) features include: masternodes (10,000,000 COLX collateral per masternode), SwiftTX Instant Transactions, Private Instant Verified Transactions/full-time private transactions, Obfuscation Mixing Mechanism, and Coin Control.
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