Concox is a company specilaized in GPS Fleet Management products and services.
Concox's partners with China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom to provide personalized GPS Tracking Solutions to governments, and companies in the transportation industry, and others. ConcoxTM manufacturing plant owns about ten professional SMT production lines, and four R & D centers for product research, design, and application development.
leader in GPS Fleet Management products and services, operating in over 150 countries worldwide, providing great tracking experience to our clients. Concox™ Information Technology Co., Ltd., incorporated for over 15 years, has become a leading designer and manufacturer of telematics and wireless communications products and dedicates to bringing reliable products and customized solutions to clients across the world.CONCOX™, as a subsidiary of Jimi loT™, has been focusing our business on GPS tracking devices since establishment. Both Concox™ and Jimi IoT™
Concox is a GPS Fleet Management company, operating in about 150 countries around the world. Also known as Concox™ Information Technology Co., Ltd., they design and manufacture telematics and wireless communications products for their clients worldwide.CONCOX™ is a subsidiary of Jimi loT™.
In China, Concox's market share ranks 1st, partneringpartners with China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom and offering completeto andprovide customizedpersonalized GPS Tracking Solutions to governmentgovernments, and companies in the transportation industry, enterprise for higherand organizational efficiencyothers. ConcoxTM manufacturing plant owns 10about ten professional SMT production lines. In Concox’s, 4and competentfour R & D centers, over 400 engineers help established an advance platform for product research, design and application development.
Marching forward, theThe alliance willbetween takeConcox proactiveand measuresJIMI toIoT develop their two brandings,allows CONCOXTM forto continue providing GPS tracking devices, and JIMI ElectronicTM forto keep offering smart vehicle DVR and smart homes series. SupportedConcox byoffers theirGPS constant-completedvehicle internationaltrackers dealershipwith networkfeatures like real-time tracking, ConcoxTMSOS alarm, geofence, ACC detection, as well as temperature monitoring, fuel monitoring, RS232, and Jimi ElectronicTMRS485.
leader in GPS Fleet Management products and services, operating in over 150 countries worldwide, providing great tracking experience to our clients. ConcoxTM Information Technology Co., Ltd., incorporated for over 15 years, has become a leading designer and manufacturer of telematics and wireless communications products and dedicates to bringing reliable products and customized solutions to clients across the worldworld.CONCOXTM, as a subsidiary of Jimi loTTM, has been focusing our business on GPS tracking devices since establishment. Both ConcoxTM and Jimi IoTTM
Concox is a company specilaized in GPS Fleet Management products and services.
leader in GPS Fleet Management products and services, operating in over 150 countries worldwide, providing great tracking experience to our clients. Concox™ Information Technology Co., Ltd., incorporated for over 15 years, has become a leading designer and manufacturer of telematics and wireless communications products and dedicates to bringing reliable products and customized solutions to clients across the world.
In China, Concox's market share ranks 1st, partnering with China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom and offering complete and customized GPS Tracking Solutions to government, transportation, enterprise for higher organizational efficiency. Concox™ manufacturing plant owns 10 professional SMT production lines. In Concox’s 4 competent R & D centers, over 400 engineers help established an advance platform for product research, design and application development.
Marching forward, the alliance will take proactive measures to develop their two brandings, CONCOX™ for GPS tracking devices and JIMI Electronic™ for smart vehicle DVR and smart homes series. Supported by their constant-completed international dealership network, Concox™ and Jimi Electronic™.
Concox is a company specilaized in GPS Fleet Management products and services.
Concox is a company specilaized in GPS Fleet Management products and services.