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Corvalol (Corvalolum) is a sedative drug developed in the USSR based on phenobarbital. It also contains ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid and menthol. It is similar in action to valocordin, both drugs have a similar composition. Currently, Corvalol, like valocordin, is considered obsolete. There is no scientific evidence of effectiveness.
α-Bromizovaleric acid ethyl ester
Corvalol is a Soviet analogue of the German valocordin, from which it differs in minor components. The main active ingredient of both drugs is the potent narcotic phenobarbital from the barbiturate group. Due to the very low dose of phenobarbital, Corvalol is sold in Russian pharmacies without a prescription, although in the 21st century proposals were made twice in the Russian government to make it prescription.
Corvalol in the USSR became a traditional medicine and retained this status in the post-Soviet space.