A venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH Health, Senior Whole Health, Lancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH Health, Senior Whole Health, LancopeLancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH HealthREACH Health, Senior Whole Health, Lancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee, United StatesUnited States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH Health, Senior Whole Health, Lancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, TennesseeNashville, Tennessee, United States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH Health, Senior Whole Health, Lancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
A venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services.
Council Ventures is a venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services. Founded 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, it invests in early stage ventures and late stage ventures. Its portfolio companies include Ingenious Med, REACH Health, Senior Whole Health, Lancope, iKobo, and Appforge. As of April 2020, Council Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on March 28, 2011, when Ingenious Med raised $3.3M. Council Ventures has had seven exits, the most notable of which include REACH Health, Ingenious Med, and Lancope. Council Ventures has raised four funds, their latest being Council Ventures III. This fund was announced on January 1, 2016 and raised a total of $150M.
A venture capital firm in Tennessee that focuses on healthcare services, healthcare information technology, and the convergence of healthcare and financial services.