CryptoRunner is a play-to-earn NFT game built on the Binance Smart Chain Network.
CryptoRunner is a play-to-earn NFT game built on the Binance Smart Chain Network.
Crypto Runner is a Metaverse Run-To Earn Game on BSC, inspired by the popular SubwaySurfer story. It is a three-dimensional, endless first-person game for mobile devices that uses an accelerometer to control your character. The goal of the player is to run as far as possible on five tracks before he loses to achieve a high score, which he can then try to beat. The player controls with Swipe as he runs through an open abstract environment in 3D space. while holding several power-ups. By tilting the device, the player must avoid oncoming obstacles and NPCs while trying not to collide with obstacles and moving objects. If the device is tilted too much or swiped too early or too late, the player will crash and the game will end, or if the player crashes into an obstacle, the game will end.
This game have several options:
Run 2 Earn.
A Run to Earn themed NFT Gaming, Easy to play and Earn.
NFT Marketplace.
CryptoRunner NFTs Marketplace is where users create, sell, and buy NFTs digital content.
Users can Stake their tokens to receive points that can be used in claiming rare in-game collectibles.
Treasure Hunt.
Once every month 100 players come across a MysteryBox worth $100 or Rare NFTs.
Daily Race.
Players will race daily to collect token rewards and other hidden gems in the metaverse.
Achievments, tasks, unions, battles, collections and many more to earn.
CryptoRunner is a play-to-earn NFT game built on the Binance Smart Chain Network.
Crypto Runner is a Metaverse Run-To Earn Game on BSC, inspired by the popular SubwaySurfer story. It is a three-dimensional, endless first-person game for mobile devices that uses an accelerometer to control your character. The goal of the player is to run as far as possible on five tracks before he loses to achieve a high score, which he can then try to beat. The player controls with Swipe as he runs through an open abstract environment in 3D space. while holding several power-ups. By tilting the device, the player must avoid oncoming obstacles and NPCs while trying not to collide with obstacles and moving objects. If the device is tilted too much or swiped too early or too late, the player will crash and the game will end, or if the player crashes into an obstacle, the game will end.
This game have several options:
Run 2 Earn.
A Run to Earn themed NFT Gaming, Easy to play and Earn.
NFT Marketplace.
CryptoRunner NFTs Marketplace is where users create, sell, and buy NFTs digital content.
Users can Stake their tokens to receive points that can be used in claiming rare in-game collectibles.
Treasure Hunt.
Once every month 100 players come across a MysteryBox worth $100 or Rare NFTs.
Daily Race.
Players will race daily to collect token rewards and other hidden gems in the metaverse.
Achievments, tasks, unions, battles, collections and many more to earn.