Cybraics is an artificial intelligence and machine learning cybersecurity company.
Cybraics is an artificial intelligence and machine learning cybersecurity company. Cybraics is the developer of nLighten, an autonomous security information and event management (SIEM) and managed detection and response (MDR) platform. The nLighten platform utilizes over 250 analytic behavioral detections, allows users to choose from 70seventy dashboards, and offers automated case orchestrations. Additionally, nLighten can also offersoffer 80eighty integrations with other security products, such as Palo Alto, CrowdStrike, and Carbon Black.
Cybraics is an artificial intelligence and machine learning cybersecurity company. Cybraics is the developer of nLighten, an autonomous security information and event management (SIEM) and managed detection and response (MDR) platform. FoundedThe innLighten 2014platform utilizes over 250 analytic behavioral detections, Cybraics was developed out of an artificial intelligence and machine learning program originallyallows designedusers to help aid thechoose U.S.from Defense70 Departmentdashboards, inand theoffers warautomated oncase terrorismorchestrations. Cybraics' executive team is currently made up of CEO Dave Ferdman and founder Jamie Dos SantosAdditionally, nLighten can also offers 80 integrations with theother lattersecurity alsoproducts servingsuch as CEO of Cybraics'Palo defenseAlto, divisionCrowdStrike, Cybraicsand DefenseCarbon Black.
Founded in 2014, Cybraics was developed out of an artificial intelligence and machine learning program originally designed to help aid the U.S. Defense Department in the war on terrorism. Cybraics' executive team is currently made up of CEO Dave Ferdman and founder Jamie Dos Santos, with the latter also serving as CEO of Cybraics' defense division, Cybraics Defense.
Cybraics is an artificial intelligence and machine learning cybersecurity company. Cybraics is the developer of nLighten, an autonomous security information and event management (SIEM) and managed detection and response (MDR) platform. Founded in 2014, Cybraics was developed out of an artificial intelligence and machine learning program originally designed to help aid the U.S. Defense Department in the war on terrorism. Cybraics' executive team is currently made up of CEO Dave Ferdman and founder Jamie Dos Santos, with the latter also serving as CEO of Cybraics' defense division, Cybraics Defense.
Cybraics is an artificial intelligence and machine learning cybersecurity company. Cybraics is the developer of nLighten, an autonomous security information and event management (SIEM) and managed detection and response (MDR) toolplatform. Founded in 2014, Cybraics was developed out of an artificial intelligence and machine learning program originally designed to help aid the U.S. Defense Department in the war on terrorism. Cybraics' executive team is currently made up of CEO Dave Ferdman and founder Jamie Dos Santos, with the latter also serving as CEO of Cybraics' defense division, Cybraics Defense.