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CysBio is a company using metabolic engineering and synthetic biology to produce biochemicals from renewable feedstocks that is headquartered in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark and was founded in 2019 by Henrik Meyer. The company is developing amino acids for food, feed and pharma; precursors for functional polymers and novel materials; the ability to modify pharmaceutical compounds to increase solubility and bioavailability; and biodegradable antifouling agents.
On March 22, 2019 CysBio completed their seed funding round with ~$6 million in funding from Zhejiang NHU. The company also announced it has reached a partnership agreement with Zhjiang NHU at the time of receiving seed funding. The partnership is meant to speed up how fast CysBio can bring their first product to market by leveraging the ability of Zhejiang to help scale up the manufacturing and sale of CysBio products. The companies publically stated they plan on bringing their first product to market at some time in 2020.