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DeCommas NFT Gallery
NFTs are rapidly gaining more and more attention from the masses, and with the growing interest in P2E games and metaverses, there are also numerous platforms for trading non-fungible tokens out there. These platforms are designed to make user interaction with NFTs smooth and secure, and are launched on a vast range of networks, providing users with opportunities to create, exchange, and buy NFTs, along with methods they can use to speculate and profit from this promising trend.
Today, we are going to talk about a useful tool for interacting with NFTs — NFT Gallery, which was expertly developed by the DeCommas team and now available for Ethereum and Solana. We’ll provide an overview of this handy solution and explain exactly how it can be used to increase the efficiency of interacting with and analyzing NFTs.
DeCommas tools
Over the past two years, the DeFi ecosystem has grown to reach a significant size, and that is precisely why it’s now becoming more and more difficult today to capture and use the entire flow of information to your advantage. The DeFi space is becoming more diverse, and as the dynamics of technological and market paradigm shifts continue to accelerate, the market needs data processing and analysis solutions, in addition to tools for interacting with them.
DeCommas develops custom toolkits that simplify the data collection and decision-making process. Aggregating information, processing, and further sorting enables you to cover more information space and make smarter — and faster — decisions. These tools provide users with a wide range of possibilities to efficiently navigate through a plethora of blockchains and protocols.
NFT Gallery
Solana is one of the fastest-growing alternative blockchains supporting NFTs, gamification, and metaverses, which certainly seem to be taking a chunk of financial protocols’ pie. Because there are thousands of transactions buying and selling NFTs every day on various trading platforms, users need solutions for tracking data on collections, tokens, and transactions, as well as interfaces for displaying assets.
However, market leader for NFT-activity is still Ethereum, and users require tools to track their digital assets there too.
One such tool is NFT Gallery, which allows users to obtain information about NFTs collected from multiple trading platforms by analyzing addresses on the blockchain. With this tool, you can discover valuable information about NFTs stored on both Ethreum and Solana network wallets. Simply enter the wallet address into the search box to view all the tokens stored in the wallet.
The DeCommas solution allows tokens to be sorted into two categories: all NFTs stored in the wallet, and NFTs for sale. Data for marketplace token analysis is collected from the largest marketplaces in the Solana network, such as Solanart and SolSea and Ethereum’s OpenSea. To see detailed information, a specific token must be selected. Users are provided with all the data they’ll need, such as the history and type of transactions made with the token, the smart contract address, the marketplace where the token is up for sale, and the price, if such information is available on the marketplaces.
Use cases
The NFT Gallery offers a simple, convenient interface for displaying all NFTs available in the wallet. Virtual NFT Gallery by DeCommas allows users to clearly visualize all available assets. This can prove useful when there are a significant number of assets, or when trading non-fungible tokens. Accessing smart contracts and NFT transaction data through a single interface allows for faster and more extensive analysis. This solution simplifies the user interaction experience with the NFT ecosystem on Solana, while at the same time enabling users to enjoy their own unique gallery and manage their assets more efficiently.
When performing speculative actions, users are often confronted with the problem of determining the NFT price and its further prospects. By analyzing the history of transactions, however, one can handily determine how active the selected token is, how often it changes hands, and how its price changes from sale to sale. It is worth noting that the NFT space is quite risky, because it is almost impossible to accurately determine the future price behavior and demand for these tokens.
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