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DeRace is the first decentralized blockchain-based racehorse platform that joins millions of racehorse enthusiasts in a community where you can buy and breed NFT horses, and host races in your owned hippodromes for actual profit.
Derace describes itself as a "complete NFT horse racing ecosystem". Derace provides an opportunity to buy and breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, bet on real-time NFT horse races, and build NFT hippodrome to host races.
The project launched its IDO on the 26th of July on DAO Maker. It plans to complete the site's technical aspects in Q3 2021 and launch NFTs of the horses in Q4 2021. That is also when the platform will be published in BETA.
DeRace is a combination of 2 significantly growing multi-billion-dollar markets: video gaming, and horse racing, all merged by blockchain and NFT technologies.

The full platform is scheduled to launch in the first half of 2022, with betting on the virtual horses to kick off in the second half of the year.
With the lack of games with play-to-earn features, slow digitalization, and lack of transparency of the horse racing market - there is a huge niche for DeRace. Online horse racing platforms with modern graphics, wide gameplay possibilities, and most importantly, blockchain is what the market craves.
DeRace is the first decentralized blockchain-based racehorse platform that joins millions of racehorse enthusiasts in a community where you can buy and breed NFT horses and host races in your owned hippodromes for actual profit.
The current gaming industry is far from being player-friendly. Everything is focused on spending and losing rather than earning.
One of DeRace’s core user experience philosophies is to provide players with diverse ways to easily and instantly earn profit. There are many activities in the game that allows users to earn.
Users can earn actual profit by participating in many in-game activities: breeding and trading NFT horses, participating in races, hosting races in hippodromes, selling their analysis and predictions, participating in referral, reward, and bug report programs.
NFT technology in DeRace brings something that the industry has never seen before - unique assets that you can purchase, create and use in a game and make a profit from it. One-of-a-kind NFT horses.
Also, NFT guarantees the authenticity of each horse and would enable a possibility to breed new authentic horses.
Decentralized solutions guarantee transparent, fair, private, and safe gaming to all participants of the platform.
Blockchain possesses an enticing solution to many of the problems and inconveniences that the online gaming industry currently faces. The main features that blockchain implementation brings to online gaming: transparent and provable outcomes, verified users, cheaper transactions, and near-instant fund transfers.