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DefiXBet is an innovative peer-to-peer decentralized gaming/casino platform with DeFi features. DXB uses smart contracts to ensure that all of their games are fair and transparent without the manipulative scripts that put players at a disadvantage in regular online casinos. One of the main key features of DXB is the use of the DeFiProtocol to distribute casino profits to all DXB token holders.
DXB is a fully decentralized P2P platform for gaming and betting without offline data. All data will be stored on the blockchain using the SOLANA ecosystem.
C.D.B - Custom decentralized bets, which allows any player to create a new custom decentralized bet with various betting options on the DefiXBet platform. Players can share the result of their stakes with other players and most importantly, the DXB token has a real use case which makes it unique and will grow with the scale of the platform.