DevZero is a Seattle-based start-up company that offers a cloud-based development platform to improve developer productivity and reduce costs.
DevZero is a Seattle-based start-up company that offers a cloud-based development platform to improve developer productivity and reduce costs.
DevZero is a startupstart-up company that has built a cloud-based software development platform that allows companies to configure, secure, and scale development environments to increase developer productivity and reduce technology infrastructure costs. In January 2024, DevZero released its Developer Environment Platform, which enables developers to write and test code in environments that exactly simulate production.
DevZero was co-foundedcofounded by former Uber engineers Debo Ray and Rob Fletcher in 2021 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Ray and Fletcher founded DevZero to offer any company affordable and scalable access to developer environment platforms like those found at large technology companies like Uber, Meta, Carta, and Twilio. Sid Trivedi of Foundation Capital, one of the firms that has invested in the company, sits on the DevZero board.
The DevZero platform allows development teams to work together seamlessly, collaboratively, and securely in a cloud-based environment. Developers can also reserve on-demand, ephemeral, and ready-to-code development environments that are just like production.DevZero’sproduction. DevZero’s platform also enables teams that have embraced Kubernetes or serverless architectures to give their developers production-like environments to write and test code.
DevZero is a Seattle-based start-up company that offers a cloud-based development platform to improve developer productivity and reduce costs
DevZero offers the platform and tools to make software development seamless, collaborative, and secure. Its cloud-based platform streamlines tasks, reduces development lifecycle time, improves security, and reduces the cost of infrastructure. Developers can reserve on-demand, ephemeral, and ready-to-code development environments that are like production.
DevZero is a startup company that has built a cloud-based software development platform that allows companies to configure, secure, and scale development environments to increase developer productivity and reduce technology infrastructure costs. In January 2024, the companyDevZero released its Developer Environment Platform, which enables developers to write and test codecode in environments that exactly simulate productionproduction.
DevZero was co-founded by former Uber engineers Debo Ray and Rob Fletcher in 20222021 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Ray and Fletcher founded DevZero to offer any company affordable and scalable access to developer environment platforms like those found at large technology companies like Uber, Meta, Carta, and Twilio. Sid Trivedi of Foundation Capital, one of the firms that has invested in the company, sits on the DevZero board.
The DevZero platform allows development teams to work together seamlessly, collaboratively, and securely in a cloud-based environment. Developers can also reserve on-demand, ephemeral, and ready-to-code development environments that are like production.DevZero’s platform also enables teams that have embraced Kubernetes or serverless architectures to give their developers production-like environments to write and test code.
DevZero was co-founded by former Uber engineers Debo Ray and Rob Fletcher in 2022 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. In January 2024, the company release its Developer Environment Platform, which enables developers to write and test code in environments that exactly simulate production.
DevZero offers the platform and tools to make software development seamless, collaborative, and secure. Its cloud-based platform streamlines tasks, reduces development lifecycle time, improves security, and reduces the cost of infrastructure. Developers can reserve on-demand, ephemeral, and ready-to-code development environments that are like production.
In January 2024, the company released its Developer Environment Platform, which enables developers to write and test code in environments that exactly simulate production.
DevZero was co-founded by former Uber engineers Debo Ray and Rob Fletcher in 2022 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Sid Trivedi of Foundation Capital sits on the DevZero board.
January 24, 2023
DevZero was co-founded by its CEO Debo Ray and COO Rob Fletcher in 2022 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.
DevZero was co-founded by former Uber engineers Debo Ray and Rob Fletcher in 2022 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. In January 2024, the company release its Developer Environment Platform, which enables developers to write and test code in environments that exactly simulate production.
DevZero is a Seattle-based start-up company that offers a cloud-based development platform to improve developer productivity and reduce costs.
DevZero was co-founded by its CEO Debo Ray and COO Rob Fletcher in 2022 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.
DevZero is a Seattle-based start-up company that offers a cloud-based development platform to improve developer productivity and reduce costs.