Cryptocurrency attributes
Other attributes
What makes DexMex unique ?
First, everyone can trigger a short or long contract on the token of their choice.
Then, DexMex will not need any borrowed liquidity to reward its users. Indeed, it is a peer to peer platform, that is to say that the losing positions automatically and continuously reward the winning positions.
To trade on DexMex you just need to connect your wallet (metamask).
What about the DexMex token ?
The DexMex token will be used to govern and make decisions on the development of the platform in a decentralized manner
0.4% of all volume made on the platform will go to people who stake DexMex. Stakers earn commissions directly in ETH.
0.2% will be used to buy back DexMex and then burn the tokens purchased.
0.2% will be added to the treasury, which will be governed by the community.