Dignio makes it possible for healthcare providers to offer a remote care service.
Etablished in 2012 and headquartered in Oslo, Dignio specializes in digital distance monitoring of chronically ill patients. The company's welfare technology solutions offer support to users, care giverscaregivers, and the healthcare system.
The company's software, Dignio Prevent, allows patients and healthcare professionals to conduct distance follow-up. The patient app, MyDignio, was created for users without experience with tablets, smartphones, or digital services. The platform's system is mobile and location-indepentlocation-independent.
The company's medication support products also work with Dignio Prevent, and can be used solely or as part of a program for remote health monitoring. Dignio provides the multi-dose dispenser, Medido, as well as the automatic dose set, Pilly SMS.
Dignio makes it possible for healthcare providers to offer a new remote care service.
Etablished in 2012 and headquartered in Oslo, Dignio specializes in digital distance monitoring of chronically ill patients. The company's welfare technology solutions offer support to users, care givers, and the healthcare system.
The company's software, Dignio Prevent, allows patients and healthcare professionals to conduct distance follow-up. The patient app, MyDignio, was created for users without experience with tablets, smartphones or digital services. The platform's system is mobile and location-indepent.
The company's medication support products also work with Dignio Prevent, and can be used solely or as part of a program for remote health monitoring. Dignio provides the multi-dose dispenser, Medido, as well as the automatic dose set, Pilly SMS.
Dignio makes it possible for healthcare providers to offer a new remote care service.
Dignio makes it possible for healthcare providers to offer a remote care service.