DoTerra is an american multi-level marketing company founded in 2008.
American multi-level marketing company
dōTERRA is an integrative health and wellness company known throughout the world as the trusted leader in essential oils. Since our founding in 2008, we have sourced, tested, manufactured, and distributed CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ essential oils and essential oil products through sustainable sourcing practices. With a vision to change the world one drop, one person, one community at a time, dōTERRA adheres to strict Co-Impact Sourcing guidelines, which create shared value for all stakeholders in the supply chain by being at the source and intentionally implementing environmental stewardship and/or social impact initiatives,
resulting in stronger local economies and a healthier, stable supply chain. Today, we source over 170 essential oils from 45 countries. The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® offers resources and tools to global sourcing communities and charitable organizations for initiatives focused on disaster relief, global health, self-reliance, supporting children, empowering women, clean water and sanitation, and anti human trafficking. We hope you’ll enjoy a look back at our 2020 highlights.