A company making mobile products and services for elderly adults.
Doro is a company based in Lund, Sweden, and specializes in the gerontechnology, mobile phone, and telecommunications industries. It was incorporated on April 17, 2000. Doro's primary focus in the gerontechnology sector is to create innovative products and solutions for the elderly population.
The company's legal name is Doro AB, and its key personnel includes CEO Jorgen Nilsson. Doro has a presence in London in addition to its headquarters in Lund, Sweden.
Doro holds two patents assigned, illustrating its commitment to research and development in the field of gerontechnology. The company's full address is Jörgen Kocksgatan 1 B, SE-211 20 Malmö, Sweden.
A company making mobile products and services for elderly adults.
A company making products and services for elderly adults.
A company making mobile products and services for elderly adults.