SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Competency-based training approaches have been employed and will continue to be employed across the Air Force training and readiness enterprise. Training devices and online learning environments can provide rich performance data to maintain Airman competency profiles. In the original Phase II program, we demonstrated the capability to automatically generate metrics for important but not directly observable attributes, specifically, engagement and attention. We demonstrated these metrics being generated automatically with Pilot Training Transformation as a use case, with a system called OMEGA that generates alerts in real-time during a T-6 PTT scenario whenever a student pilot exhibits lapses in engagement. In this new work, we propose to capture these metrics in the Competency and Skills System (CaSS), a proven competency engine built by Eduworks for DOD sponsors, and to update individual competency profiles. This project will demonstrate how automated assessment of competencies related to engagement and attention can be incorporated in, and can extend, competency profiles for individual learners. Although engagement and attention are key factors in learning retention, these factors are difficult to observe and are not formally tracked. This project will demonstrate an approach to increasing the fidelity of competency-based training approaches by providing a more complete and diagnostic learner profile. This technology is based on, and will incorporate, CaSS, a fully interoperable competency system based on open standards in order to extend future learning systems.