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ENAIRE is a company based in Spain, and it was founded on June 19, 1991. The company operates with a B2B business model and is active in the navigation and aviation industries. ENAIRE S.A. is the company's legal name and is incorporated as a corporation. The company is owned by the Government of Spain and was founded by them. The ENAIRE stock symbol is AENA, and it is traded on the Bolsa de Madrid stock exchange.
ENAIRE is headquartered in Madrid, Spain, and employs between 1,000 and 4,999 people. The company is a subsidiary of the Government of Spain and competes with various businesses, including NATS, Skyguide, and ENAV.
As an organization active in the aviation sector, ENAIRE owns several airports in Spain, such as Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, Barcelona–El Prat Airport, Gran Canaria Airport, Bilbao Airport, and Alicante–Elche Airport.