Naturally, the most correct thing when something hurts you, go for a consultation with a person who spent several years of his life at university, then on residency and acquired the honorary title of "doctor" of such a specialty. However, you yourself are able to help yourself - by reviewing your menu. It turns out that what we eat every day can both alleviate female malaise and aggravate.
"Bags" under the eyes
Get up in the morning and watch dark circles and bags under your eyes in the mirror? This is a stagnation of blood and lymph near the eyes. It may occur due to problems:
- with kidneys, first of all
- with thyroid gland
- cardiovascular system
- due to constipation that leads to general body intoxication
- wrong lifestyle: do not sleep enough, eat poorly, work a lot on a computer, strain your eyes when working
To begin with, try to get enough sleep - an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day, while recent studies have found that women have more need for sleep than men, so boldly add another hour to the 8. And it is better to lie down no later than 22-23 hours - these 1 -2 hours until midnight are the most useful for sleep. Secondly, avoid taking fluid a few hours before bedtime, especially with carbonated water and alcohol. The same applies to salty products. Just a thermonuclear combination is beer with chips/salt nuts - since both alcohol and salt bind the liquid and prevent it from leaving the body. Exclude spicy - pepper, onions, ajiku.
Take the rule in the morning to wash ice with a chamomile - this trains the vessels. If you wake up with circles under your eyes, make a compress of tea bags or porridge of raw potatoes - they draw on themselves excessive liquid through the skin. During the day, drink blackcurrant compote, other diuretic drinks to remove excess liquid from the body.
The formation of acne is responsible for your endocrine system, liver, gallbladder. As well as your skin care efforts. An increased level of female sex hormone - estrogen and male - testosterone is manifested, including on the face. That is why violent "flowering" is characteristic of either adolescents or women waiting for a child, as well as before menstruation. Both treat time, but if you don't want to wait, consult an endocrinologist. Face cleaning is a radical method, but effective only for a while, since cleaning must be not only external, but internal.
Limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates (chocolate, chips, sandwiches, various salad dressings, bread, cereals, sugar, coffee, spicy, fried). Purified carbohydrates are a catalyst for the propagation of staphylococci - acne-causing bacteria. Forget about instant cough, and prefer brown to white rice. Your menu should consist of protein products (low-fat meat, fish, poultry (white meat), legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans), dairy and sour milk products, and most importantly - fresh fruits and vegetables.