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Emerson Radio is a consumer electronics company based in Hackensack, New Jersey. Established on January 1, 1912, the joint-stock company is presently active. Its legal name is Emerson Radio Corp., which operates under the NAICS code 334310 and CAGE code 0BG60. The company's present legal classification is under a joint-stock company
Emerson Radio's headquarters are located at 85 Oxford Drive Moonachie, NJ 07074, United States, with the number of employees ranging between 20-49. Emerson Radio currently has 24 employees and a market capitalization of 13,140,000 USD. Competing with companies like Koss Corporation, Emerson Radio is a part of the wholesaling and consumer electronics industries.
Emerson Radio is a subsidiary of Panasonic and is known for its clock, atomic clock, and quantum sensor products. The company's official website can be found at, and the company can also be contacted through its email address,, or phone number, +1 800-898-9020.
Emerson Radio also has a social media presence, which includes platforms such as Twitter URL, Facebook URL, LinkedIn URL, and Instagram URL. The stock symbol for Emerson Radio is MSN.