SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ENGAGE is a cloud-based Industrial FinTech field management platform that digitalizes workflows end to end. ENGAGE’s End-to-End (e2e) Platform consists of a predictive technology that streamlines operations, vendor communications, and processes. This enables more accurate accounting, reporting, and planning of complex data systems while improving visibility into operations. ENGAGE is the leading field management software solution for the energy sector, managing over 250 different service types. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is seeking predictive digital engineering workflows that improve digital transformation, and inventory tracking in a way that optimizes acquisition, curation, and improves data-driven workflows for the dynamic synchronization and cross-correlation of multi-stream datasets. The Nuclear Weapons Center’s (AFNWC) Minuteman III requires data analysis and functionalities to improve key performance parameters and provide visual depictions of fleet health. ENGAGE can meet this need with our web and mobile predictive tracking and visualization features that include reordering tools, AI/ML maintenance events, parts order automatization, real-time data monitoring, and cross-correlation of multiple-stream data sets. ENGAGE will use Phase I of this SBIR to perform customer discovery and identify impactful AF contexts for pilot development of e2e to deliver a cloud-based data curation and synchronization platform to the AF.