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Operating for over 20 years, Equitis which is part of IQ-EQ, is a Private Equity management company specialising in private equity funds and trusts. Over the years we have developed a renowned practice in fund management and trust due to our extensive expertise and professional team who work closely with our clients. Our wide range of solutions in regards to private equity funds and trusts means that we can meet the needs of private equity companies, bank investment teams and national and international institutional investors.
Our three core values
Expertise: Our team combine cutting-edge expertise and extensive knowledge of the market in the set up of funds and trusts.
Independence: We are totally independent and can guarantee stakeholders and fund promoters no conflict of interest.
Client focus: Our professional team is made up of experts who take the time to know and understand the needs of our clients in order to provide them with the best suited solutions.
Creation of Equitis, for the management of a private equity portfolio (FINOVELEC) at the request of institutional investor.
Equitis is certified by the French financial market authority (AMF) on October 25th, 2002 as a portfolio management company under the number GP 02023.
Equitis offers liquidation management through INFINITIS, a dedicated structure.
Equitis obtains certification for management of registered Private Equity Funds.
Equitis extends offer to the corporate trust activity after the recent introduction of the French trust in 2007.
Creation of the French trustee association (AFF) by three funding members: Caisse des Dépôts, the Crédit Agricole CIB and Equitis Gestion.
The French financial market authority delivers AIFM certification.
Equitis joins IQ-EQ, one of the world leaders in investor services. Equitis obtains an extension of its AMF approval to the selection of receivables and the granting of loans.
Equitis extends offer to the management of employee savings funds.
Equitis, part of IQ-EQ, brand is updated and relaunched.