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Eutaria is an off-chain game and a game where you can earn cryptocurrency. The project is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network and requires players to hold the Eutaria token in order to unlock the “play to earn” features.
The main goal is to provide players with stable rewards and the opportunity to earn money without gas fees. The income of the players will be an in-game currency with a fixed value, equivalent to the US dollar. Profits can be claimed and automatically converted into BNB.
I.a Eutaria Token
Eutaria (EUT) is the name of a token with a total supply of 21 million tokens. There is a 10% transaction tax fee that will be placed in the reward pool. The slippage settings for both buying and selling are 10%.
The EUT token will not be used as a reward or in-game, but must be held to unlock the "play to earn" features. The minimum number of EUT tokens that will be held will vary depending on the value of the token and specific "play to earn" features.
I.b In-game currency
Pleasure Potion (PP) is the in-game currency of Eutaria. The cost of 1 PP is 1 USD, it is fixed and cannot be changed. PP can be purchased from the in-game store with BNB and gas. The purchase of PP is subject to a 10% tax, which will go towards the reward fund. In-game rewards are also paid out in the form of Pleasure Potions, which can be claimed and automatically converted to BNB.
Eutarians, tavern lands, caves, and other in-game items can only be purchased with Pleasure Potions in the in-game store or market. These in-game assets are not NFTs and will only be in-game assets; Completely eliminate gas fees for Play-to-earn and Marketplace transactions.
IC Marketplace
Players can buy or sell in-game assets on the marketplace using an in-game currency called Pleasure Potions (PP). Players do not need to have EUT tokens to use the market. However, the presence of EUT tokens is required to unlock the "play to earn" features.
There is no gas fee for market transactions. There is a fee of 1 PP for listing an in-game asset, as well as a fee of 1 PP for changing the price of a listed asset. There are no PP fees for canceling in-game asset lists. These PP fees will help avoid market abuse and at the same time add to the reward pool.
I.d Receiving remuneration
A balanced and stable reward system is a major challenge for most blockchain games. Either the reward is too small, or it is only big enough for the first followers. In other cases, the reward is too small compared to the gas fee, resulting in losses for the players.
Eutaria offers off-chain transactions so players won't have to worry about gas fees.
In Eutaria, players can earn Potions of Pleasure (PP), an in-game currency (1 PP = 1 USD). Players can claim Pleasure Potions whenever they want, and they are automatically converted into BNB. Players' claimed PP will be automatically converted to BNB when it reaches their wallet. There will be a 10% tax on PP that goes into the PP reward pool.
The Eutaria reward pool will be constantly replenished with 10% transaction fee when trading Eutaria EUT tokens, buying pleasure potions, 10% market sales, receiving PP and other non-game additional fees to earn. The more transactions with the Eutaria token, the more the reward pool will be filled.