Eventyard is a platform that allows users to discover upcoming events
Eventyard is a company that has developed a platform which assists users in creating, and finding upcoming events based on their location and interests. The company was founded by Alexandra Nikolova, Kiril Velkov, and Oleg Kabakchiev in 2012, in Sofia, Grad Sofiya, Bulgaria.
The company has a platform which allows for commenting, posting of videos, and the posting of pictures in order for users to create public and or private events and share them to others.
Eventyard is a company that has developed a platform which assists users in creating, and finding upcoming events based on their location and interests. The company was founded by Alexandra NikolovaAlexandra Nikolova, Kiril Velkov, and Oleg Kabakchiev in 2012, in Sofia, Grad Sofiya, Bulgaria.