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FoodPay is a bep20 token deployed on BSC with integrated reflection and a true buyback and burn mechanism, the token is used for all internal transactions in the FoodFind mobile marketplace. Each FoodPay holder receives 1% of
all FoodPay token transactions. Food Pay aims to provide easy cryptocurrency payments in the restaurant and food delivery industry. FoodPay is developing a secure and reliable next-generation mobile market place platform for accepting BTC, ETH, BSC and fiat payments. FoodPay will be used as the only currency for advertising and promoting restaurants in the FoodFind app.
Any currency that wants to be listed as a payment in the FoodFind app will need to hold FoodPay currency.
FoodFind app will have a built-in wallet for cryptocurrency ( BTC, eth, FoodPay...) with instant transfers from FoodFind wallet to other FoodFind wallets with no fee for transfers within the FoodFind ecosystem. A user must have FoodPay coin in his/her account to make commission-free instant transfers.