A decentralized multi-games metaverse inspired by Mobox, building on top of Binance Smart Chain (BSC). FaceBox integrate diversify world-known games bringing Play-To-Earn gaming experience to a whole new level. On top of that, deploying FAFA across the games and to deliver value from yield. We are in the business to shape future metaverse.
To build a fair mechanism & low threshold decentralized multi-games metaverse, in conjunction with FAFAhood to form the best GameFi community. Allowing everyone to mint very own unique NFT FAFA army to earn abundant rewards in a cross-gaming ecosystem. Now everyone can Play-to-Earn!
Built on belief that digital economies will somehow create a better life for everyone in the metaverse. FaceBox aim to build the most bustling win-win gamified world with the intention of lower entry barrier along with multi-games ecosystem.
FAFAverse is a cross-platform metaverse that users can enter their favored world over any device. Experiencing diverse activities and enjoy a different life experience by using your own FAFAs.
F-Box is the governance token of FaceBox and one of the medium exchanges for the mystery box. If you want to obtain F-Box, there are only two ways, one is to swap through DEX, and the second is to provide token in the Liquidity Pool of the designated platform and stake the Liquidity Provider (LP) Token to obtain F-Box.