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Facetec is a software company offering 3D face authentication services on mobile devices that is headquartered in San Diego, California and was founded in 2013 by Kevin Alan Tussy. The company also has an office in Summerlin, Nevada.
Facetec's facial recognition software helps users and businesses be protected from identity theft and avoid phishing scams. The company's 3D facemap technology uses a video-selfie for identity verification and is patented. It offers companies liveness certificates of user identity for know your customer (KYC) onboarding along with 3D face matching for continual user authentication.
Video-selfies used for identifying users requires users to take a 2 second video-selfie for verifying their liveness, matching the users facemap to their photo ID, and setting up their new accounts. One a user is registered with Favetec they will no longer be required to enter passwords and will gain instant access to applications through facial recognition. The facetec platform can be used by user cameras found on smartphone's tablets, personal computers, and laptops. It can be used for unlocking anything that is connected to their devices such as car doors and bank accounts.
Users are protected from hackers and bots through the company's level 1&2 anti-spoofing technology that is certified by NIST/iBeta. iBeta is working with Facetec and offering a $75,000 Spoof Bounty Program for anyone capable of spoofing the Facetec identification system. Facetec claims their facial recognition software prevents spoofing from 2D paper photos & digital images, high resolution videos, image swap-in after liveness check, paper masks with eye & moth cutouts, Hollywood masks, wax figures, lifelike dolls, animated digital avatars, video projections on 3D heads, sleeping users with their eyes closed, impostors, lookalikes, and doppelgangers.