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The future world famous poetess, Avar speaking-Soviet-born Russian novelist and journalist was born December 5, 1932. The girl's father died very early, Phase was not even five years old then. Caring for the future poetess and three more children fell on the shoulders of the mother, who worked as a simple nurse in the hospital. Despite the financial difficulties, the mother was able to put all her children on their feet and help everyone get a higher education.

Fazu began composing poetry at a fairly early age. Her poetic skill grew, as they say, by leaps and bounds. Already during her studies at school, the girl was considered a serious poet. The first significant verse was written during the Second World War. Fazu Aliyeva then became very imbued with the teacher's story about the difficulties of the soldiers and wrote a poem that everyone liked very much. It was published in the school wall newspaper.
When the girl turned seventeen, her poem was published by "Bolshevik of the Mountains". Later, the work of a young, but incredibly bright and talented poetess from the aul was also interested in more serious periodicals.
After graduating from school, Alieva worked as a teacher for four years, until she finally decided to get a full-fledged higher education. Therefore, in 1954, Fazu Aliyeva began her studies at the Dagestan Women's Pedagogical Institute in Makhachkala. However, she studied there for only a year, and then, on the advice of friends, she decided to try to pass the exams at the literary institute. Having sent her poems to the competition, she received an invitation to come to Moscow. There she successfully passed most of the entrance exams, except for the Russian language, and she was not accepted. However, the poetess's desire to study was so great that she went to the admissions committee and, after talking with her, eminent literary critics and writers of that time were extremely surprised at what a talented and educated person Fazu Aliyeva was.
After graduation (in 1961) Fazu returned to Dagestan.

Fazu Alieva in youth
In 1962, the poetess became the editor of the publishing house of educational and pedagogical books in Dagestan. During this period, she not only wrote a lot, but also edited the works of other authors. In addition, she tries her hand at prose - she writes the novel "Destiny". The writer's work is gaining popularity not only in Dagestan and other republics of the USSR, but also far beyond their borders. They are beginning to translate it into Russian, Swedish, French, German, English, Polish and other languages.
1971 becomes a turning point in the social activities of Fazu Aliyeva. It was at this time that the writer became the editor-in-chief of the progressive publication Women of Dagestan, as well as the chairman of the Dagestan Peace Committee. Also during this period, she "takes under her wing" the branch of the Soviet Peace Fund of Dagestan and participates in the work of the World Peace Council.
Taking an active part in the political and cultural life of her homeland, Fazu Aliyeva served as Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Dagestan for fifteen years.
The flowering of creativity of the poetess fell on the sixties and seventies. It was at this time that other peoples became interested in her works and therefore they began to be translated into other languages.