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Fearless Wallet is unique on both the technical and user-experience levels. It combines best-in-class wallet functionality with robust network management features, all within the context of a simple and elegant user interface. Fearless Wallet functions include convenient staking, managing assets, the ability to buy KSM/DOT via credit card or payment service, crowdloans etc. Future revisions will also incorporate advanced features such as governance, DEX functionality, NFTs, etc. The goal of Fearless Wallet is to radically expand access to decentralized finance (DeFi) by making complex functions much easier to use and understand.
The project, which was funded by the Kusama Treasury Grant, began in the summer of 2020, and launched within a short period of time. The Fearless Wallet team is currently working to add additional features to the app in order to ensure a superior experience for Kusama and Polkadot users around the world.
Fearless Wallet is the first native mobile application to support all Kusama and Polkadot network features, including advanced features such as staking, parachain auction crowdloans, buying tokens with fiat, governance, etc. In order to achieve this level of support, the Fearless Wallet team implemented native mobile libraries to build mobile apps for Substrate-based networks. It also provides an awesome user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts.