Other attributes
The flamingo genus includes the largest representatives of the family - red and pink flamingos. Although Allen believed that the pink flamingo is the largest, and the red one is only slightly inferior in size, modern scientists consider the Caribbean species to be the largest [source not specified 153 days]. The third representative - the Chilean flamingo - is inferior in size to the Andean flamingo of the genus short-beaked, but larger than the smallest representatives of the family - the James flamingo and the lesser flamingo.
Allen added that the red flamingo has the longest tarsus. At the same time, the beaks of birds are almost identical in size.
Phoenicopterus are red-winged birds, but the only truly red member is the red flamingo. The pink flamingo is almost completely white, with pink feather tips as well as pink wing coverts and shoulder feathers. The Andean flamingo has rich carmine streaks on the underside of the neck, pink spots on the chest, and pink-red wing coverts and tertiary coverts. At the same time, all three representatives of the genus have a similar color of wing feathers, differing only in color intensity.