Flip provides a communications app for frontline workers who don't work at a desktop.
Flip provides a communications app for frontline workers who don't work at a desktop.
Flip is a company that provides a communications app for frontline workers who don't work at a desktop. Employees can use the app to communicate with each other and management. Various other tasks can be completed, like swapping shifts and viewing pay slips. Flip was founded by Giacomo Kenner and Benedikt Ilg in 2018. It is based in Stuttgart, Germany.
The Flip app offers extensive features for employee communications. Its newsfeed enables the sharing of news (in multiple languages), publications, updates, surveys, meetings, visual media, and more. The chat feature allows for direct communication towith all employees. Task management provides an overview of personal work progress and achievements that can be supplemented with images and files. An individualized employee directory that details job roles and contact information is provided to each company. The app has the ability for integration of existing workplace and HR processes. Other tasks and features available to employees through the app include shift scheduling, training, and the management of vacation time and sick leave.
As of early 2022, Flip has approximately one million users across two hundred companies, including McDonald’s, Rossmann, Edeka, and Mahle.
Flip provides a communications app for frontline workers who don't work at a desktop.
Flip is a company that provides a communications app for frontline workers who don't work at a desktop. Employees can use the app to communicate with each other and management. Various other tasks can be completed like swapping shifts and viewing pay slips. Flip was founded by Giacomo Kenner and Benedikt Ilg in 2018. It is based in Stuttgart, Germany.
The Flip app offers extensive features for employee communications. Its newsfeed enables the sharing of news (in multiple languages), publications, updates, surveys, meetings, visual media, and more. The chat feature allows for direct communication to all employees. Task management provides an overview of personal work progress and achievements that can be supplemented with images and files. An individualized employee directory that details job roles and contact information is provided to each company. The app has the ability for integration of existing workplace and HR processes. Other tasks and features available to employees through the app include shift scheduling, training, and the management of vacation time and sick leave.
As of early 2022, Flip has approximately one million users across two hundred companies including McDonald’s, Rossmann, Edeka, and Mahle.