Food that is discarded or lost uneaten
In all global food businesses, there is waste. This is a fairly common problem and even a hazard and business disruption. This phenomenon causes losses, violates the sanitary standards of the enterprise, and environmental problems can also follow.
What is food loss?
Wasted food is food that is not being sold. This happens during production, processing, sale and consumption. Overall, about a third of the world's food is wasted.
Food spoilage and loss analysis
Unfortunately, there is no exact analysis, since not all enterprises provide accurate data, some put up missing products for sale, and so on. But according to studies, approximately 40% of all production in the world is the loss of food, which is about 1.5 tons per year.
Causes of food spoilage and loss
It all depends on the country conditions. In low-income countries, problems arise at the production stages and are associated with managerial and technical constraints. In middle- and high-income countries, problems arise at the stages of distribution. These issues are related to consumers, laws and government regulation.
Research and data on food loss is a huge amount of information that has been collected, analyzed and counted over the years. It contains a lot of information and tables showing loss measurements over different time periods. You can see exactly the critical, highest and lowest periods on the chart. Geographical points, production chains and losses are described. Information and analyzes can be opened in a form convenient for you. Anyone can explore this database and learn more interesting and new.
Food that is discarded or lost uneaten