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Foods for Tomorrow seeks to provide a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and healthy plant-based protein source that will help feed the world's growing population.
The founders of Foods for Tomorrow are Marc Coloma and Bernat Añaños. Marc was actively involved in social, environmental, and animal rights activism, before founding Foods for Tomorrow in in Barcelona, Spain, in 2017. Bernat worked in different communication and marketing roles and also in the European Parliament where he decided he wanted to do politics from the business side, "changing the way we treat the world has to come from all the agents in society, and from a start-up I feel we can push changes quickly". They founded the company in response challenges faced by our global food system such as feeding the increasing demand for protein around the world due to a growing population with healthy, sustainable, and ethically produced protein sources.
Foods for Tomorrow sells a vegan and gluten-free protein ingredient called Heura, that is made using a blend of vegetable proteins. Heura is made is mimic the texture of meat and can be grilled or fried. Foods for Tomorrow claims one serving of Heura has over twice the amount of protein as one egg, and 4 times the amount of iron per serving compared to one serving of spinach, and 6 times the amount of fiber per serving than one serving of tofu.