Fully functional play to earn NFT game on the BSC network
Fully functional play to earn NFTNFT game on the BSCBSC network
Foxy Equilibrium is a fully functional, play to earn NFTNFT game on the BSCBSC network which integrates (BEP721) tokens into the dAPPdAPP. Players can claim daily rewards, feed pets, battle with others player and use additional functions. Launched on the 30th of March 2021 with a fair launch (No presale or private sales.) Foxy’s goal is to change the cryptocrypto gaming scene with a unique ecosystem where players can mint or trade pet NFTNFT’s to battle with other players or foxy npc’s for XP & Foxy Rewards. You must take care of your pet by feeding it and get rewarded for winning battles with other players.
Foxy Equilibrium is a fully functional, play to earn NFT game on the BSC network which integrates (BEP721) tokens into the dAPP. Players can claim daily rewards, feed pets, battle with others player and more!use additional functions. Launched on the 30th of March 2021 with a fair launch (No presale or private sales.) Foxy’s goal is to change the crypto gaming scene with a unique ecosystem where players can mint or trade pet NFT’s to battle with other players or foxy npc’s for XP & Foxy Rewards. You must take care of your pet by feeding it and get rewarded for winning battles with other players.